Saturday, August 6, 2011

EW Says What We're All Thinking

Dear Glee,
Thank you for keeping pop culture interesting. You’re, like, the new Charlie Sheen — totally unhinged but always compelling, both on screen and off. We’ve been huge fans of the show from the very beginning, and we have the angry letters complaining about our constant barrage of Glee covers to prove it. During your summer break, you’ve given us not only a reality competition show, a concert tour, and a 3-D movie (Glee stars apparently have an amazing ability to go three straight months without sleep) but also weekly waves of captivating craziness —thanks to a series of 
contradictory, loose-lipped statements from Glee producers about the future of the cast and direction of the show.

To recap: First, co-creator and executive producer Ryan Murphy gave an impromptu interview saying that the characters played by Lea Michele, Cory Monteith, and Chris Colfer would graduate at the end of the upcoming third season and would not be around for season 4. Such huge, surprising news! It was 
apparently even a surprise to Colfer, who said he found out about 
his exit via Twitter. But not so fast. At Comic-Con, Glee’s other co-creator and exec producer Brad Falchuk tried to clarify, saying that Rachel, Finn, and Kurt would not be leaving the show. In fact, added Murphy a few days later, they were originally going to get their own spin-off! But not anymore. Have we got all that?

We are fairly certain that all this nonsense is incredibly annoying to your colleagues at the Fox network and studio (you’re lucky Rupert Murdoch doesn’t send Wendi over there to swat you down like a pie-throwing malcontent). We, however, really enjoyed the backstage drama for a while… but now, frankly, we’d like to see it end. You see, we really adore Chris Colfer (congrats on the Emmy nomination, Chris!), and when we tune in to the show’s new season this fall, we don’t want to be thinking about how Chris is walking on eggshells around his boss, constantly worrying about what bombshell Murphy might drop next in the press. We’re also rooting for the show to win an Emmy, and we don’t think all this back-and-forth is helping your case.Awards voters are partial to
 humility and gratitude — two qualities that seem to be in very short supply in the ranks of Glee’s management.(Good news: We asked one Emmy insider about it and were told that it probably wouldn’t hurt the show’s chances — 
after all, if Melissa Leo can win an 
Oscar after those weird, cleavage-y for-your-consideration ads, there’s definitely hope for Glee.)

Listen, folks, we love your show, and we just want you to regroup, keep your sausage-making to yourselves for a bit,concentrate on making Glee a little less uneven and more consistently great week after week, and think very seriously about this spin-off idea. It’s a good one — and since Lea, Chris, and Cory all have four more years left on their contracts, there’s no reason for it to be dead in the water.In short, we’d like everybody over there to stop behaving like teenagers.And say hi to Gwyneth.

Entertainment Weekly

Other than the Emmy talk, I'm right there with ya EW! But real talk, Glee lost it's chance at the Emmy's after the first half of season one, no use in thinking it'll make a comeback now. It's a money-making machine, can't turn back!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

So You Think You Can Dance Season 8 is nearly coming to a close! My predictions for the finale

First, a quick recap from the Top 6 performance episode:

  • Ricky is still lacking the maturity in his dance that Marko has perfected. Tadd has grown leaps and bounds but, similar to Ricky, isn’t quite on the same level as Marko, both with technique and maturity in his dance.
  • Caitlin came into her own FINALLY although after that beastly Melanie/Sasha/Sonya jazz routine last week, I fear it may be a bit too late for Caitlin in this competition as Melanie and Sasha both have such strong fan bases (Simon’s fickle-hearted comments are an example of that).
  • Breaking news! Melanie Moore is not 100% perfect. Though she’s pretty damn close. I loved that Lil’ C was basically saying without saying that Melanie has had a white girl life, hence making her incapable to really get into the nitty gritty of the hip hop. And although the routine wasn't my favorite, it was still a great attempt on Melanie’s behalf.
  • God, Sasha and that contemporary. She has been the happiest surprise in this competition. Although Melanie was donned “queen bee” from pretty much the very beginning of the season, I wouldn’t be too shocked if Sasha took the competition in the end. If she gets as lucky as her choreographers/routines as Melanie has been this whole season, she could take it home.
  • The wacking routine was laaaame but I guess it's nice that sytycd can cross off another genre from the list of obscure genres that only a few people in the world know how to do (Any one remember the Russian routine?)

And now, my predictions.

Bottom two girls? It’s a toss up. Caitlin for sure, with her journey most likely coming to an end. But the other spot? Could be Sasha or Melanie. Sasha had one of her better nights with the contemporary routine, and Melanie faltered a little bit in her hip hop. It would be a little refreshing to see Melanie make an apperance, her first of the season, in the bottom two just to remind everyone that she is, in fact, a slightly (albeit barely) flawed human being. But, she has such a strong fan base that she’ll probably be the one who’s safe.

For the boys, it’s obviously going to be Ricky and Tadd. HOPEFULLY Ricky will be the one sent home; I’ve been hoping he’d leave since the first time he was in the bottom (Way harsh, Ty). He’s a great technical dancer, yes, I have just been upset about his lack of growth. He’s still a boy amongst men.

As for what will happen after the final four? I have a feeling it’ll be Tadd, then Sasha, then Marko, with Melanie for the win. But I do also think that if Sasha gets as lucky with her routines in the finale as Melanie has been the whole season, then she could surprise everyone and take it home. But we still have the finale performances, and really anything can happen from now until then.

Last note: Is it just me or has this season been lacking a serious amount of GOOD jazz routines? I was hoping the return of Ellenore with Sonya last night would fulfill what has been missing from this season, but that routine was just creepy and slightly uncomfortable to watch, if anything. The closest one this season to those fun, quirky routines we’ve seen in the past was Sasha and Melanie’s Dubstep Jazz from last week. I guess I’ll just have to chalk it up to the lack of Wade Robson in this season. Sonya can do wonders, as she has this season especially with her contemporary routines, but as far as wacko-jazz routines go, Wade really takes the cake (exhibit A - Janette and Brandon’s jazz: