Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Summer Television; Goodbye to this blog; Hello to a new one. Really a smorgasbord of things.

WOW so... fail on my front for my last blog entry being from the 14th of May. Even though the television season did end a few weeks ago, I want to take the time to shed some light on the upcoming summer season to my fellow readers (okay... I hesitated adding an 's' to pluralize the word 'readers' because lets be real people... beyond the fanbase that is my parents, this blog is probably getting one or two hits. SCORE!)

Anyways. My heart breaks a little when I think about how I'll be excommunicated from the television world for this summer.

(We interrupt this segment for BREAKING NEWS! In case you haven't been within a two mile earshot of me screaming the countdown until I leave... I am spending my summer in New York to work as a lifeguard at a sleep-away camp for two months (Think: The Parent Trap). Since this experience is going to be many firsts for me--first time on an airplane alone, first time lifeguarding a lake, first time to New York, first time living in a non-California state etc etc--I've decided to do what I do best and write about it.

And here! is the link: http://frantzinnewyork.blogspot.com/

I am not sure just how much I will be able to update, seeing as how I won't have a computer-THE HORROR!-but I am aiming for one post/week. Stay tuned!

So because I will be out of touch with television (hold for the tears) while I'm working at this camp, this current blog will be on a temporary hiatus. Once I am back in the golden state, I'll make like the Terminator be back to rock this blog back to full kick-ass writing force!)

So, back to the real heart of the matter: SUMMER TELEVISION! This season looks promising, so let's just dive in, shall we?

For all you SYTYCD fans (are there more than one of you?! I think we're a dying breed), this season is shaking up things a little bit. In what I'm sure is an attempt to move as far away from the epic fail of ratings that was last season, the producers have opted for a "All Star" Season. So far, the first few weeks of auditions and Vegas callbacks have been extremely entertaining. A few favorites I have so far are: the adorable Billy Bell (if he does not get into the top 10, SHIT. IS. GOING. DOWN.), salsa dancer from Miami (can they really be from anywhere else?) Cristina Santana, contemporary dancer Alexie Agdeppa who almost made it to Season 6 last year, and Kent Boyd (the cutest small town boy I ever saw), among others.

Oh boy, this one literally pains me to leave. It's been awhile since we were introduced to Sookeh, Beel and the mancandy that is Eric. I would smuggle something illegal across some border in order to watch what I'm sure is going be a sex and action filled Season 3. But alas, I have chosen instead to spend my summer living with little kids and fighting skin cancer. Winner?

Jersey Shore
At my little sister's graduation, the guest speaker gave the munchkins advice for life after college, one of which was to NOT follow these East Coast peeps in their drunken endeavors. This teacher said it best: "These STD-riddled miscreants are not real Italians! Hrumph." Still, if douchy guys punching slutty girls in the face is your kinda thing, the second season of this show is premiring in Miami on July 29th.


If you've been following along with my blog, you've come to learn of my inability to stop writing. So, in an attempt to NOT be the writing enegizer bunny, here's a link to a favorite blog of mine, of an article about the other television to look forward to this summer: http://www.tvsquad.com/2010/05/28/summer-tv-guide/

Okay folks! All good things must come to an end. Come back in Fall for the rebirth of this blog. Expect over-excitement in season premieres, reviews of series premieres, and (because I wouldn't be myself without it) a strange obsession with all things Glee.